Tavern owner – How to improve your game skills (customers, workers, furniture)

Hey there, new Tavern Master players! Here are some tips and tricks to help you out:

Wondering what the normal price is for a 5-star room? While in the bedroom build menu, hover over the little bed picture on the top left to see the % of that room being rented. You can adjust the prices based on that.

Have you noticed that your supply storage isn’t working? If you’re going into negative balance after paying salaries at the start of a new day, your barrels aren’t refilled.

Tavern owner - How to improve your game skills (customers, workers, furniture)

Need to select carpets to move or sell them? When in the menu, you have to be under the “carpets” sub-menu.

Want to delete furniture? No worries, just go to build mode (shop), click the item, and then there will be a coin button below it which you can click to sell. You can also move it if you prefer. Open the furniture shop and click and drag the object you want to move.

Patrons stop arriving? Don’t worry, it’s a known bug, and it’s being worked on. Simply reload the game.

Make sure to clean the tables! New patrons will not sit at a dirty table. Cleaning is needed to keep new business coming in when people leave.

Does happiness being under 100 lower any stats or affect the worker in any way? Yes, unhappy staff work slower and can have performance hiccups, like barkeeps and cooks making mistakes and having to start over, etc. Best to keep everyone at 100%. It’s ultra-easy and wages are never a threat as you always make more than your wages are regardless.

Finally, about research: it’s super straightforward in this game. You either need a certain amount of patrons (varies by tier) and/or research points. If you have all the requirements and it’s not moving and you have it selected, then that must be a bug. Good luck and have fun playing! :) AI responses can be inaccurate or misleading.

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